ETAS ISOLAR-A is a tool to design and address AUTOSAR Classic architectures, systems, and application software. For configuration of the associated basic software the ISOLAR-B tool is available. Both tools use a common database, which enables efficient working.
Architecture design is of central importance when developing AUTOSAR systems. With ISOLAR-A, ETAS provides comprehensive software that benefits from the experience within the Bosch Group and from collaboration with OEMs all over the world.
ISOLAR-A uses Eclipse technology and the Artop platform, which makes integration into existing development environments much easier. With ISOLAR-A and B, all of the advantages of AUTOSAR can be tapped - from system design to ECU configuration for application and basic software, e.g. using ETAS RTA products, including cooperation beyond organizational boundaries.
ISOLAR-A fully supports AUTOSAR releases from R4.0 up to R19-11 (R4.5) of the "Classic Platform".
ETAS ISOLAR-VRTE is a new tool to design AUTOSAR Adaptive applications and service-oriented communication, and to generate Application, Service Instance and Machine Manifests for machine deployment.
ISOLAR-VRTE, just like ISOLAR-A, uses Eclipse technology and the Artop platform. ISOLAR-VRTE can be used to design applications to the AUTOSAR "Adaptive Platform", which can be deployed onto Adaptive platforms being developed using ETAS RTA-VRTE.
ISOLAR-VRTE supports the AUTOSAR release version AP18-03 of the "Adaptive Platform".
Note: ISOLAR-A and ISOLAR-VRTE can be licensed separately to support demands of either AUTOSAR Classic or Adaptive platforms, or jointly in a single Eclipse instance to support overarching use cases of both AUTOSAR platforms.
- Guided Design of Systems and Application-Software for Classic AUTOSAR
- Configurable, guiding workflows to help users to easily achieve their tasks
- Support of tool automation and scripting, issue validation and fixing enable highly efficient workflows
- Generation of System and ECU extracts, and RTE configurations
- Migration of AUTOSAR versions
- Import of legacy-formatted files (DBC, Fibex, LDF, ODX)
- Single and multi-core support
- AUTOSAR validations based on rules
- Integration of third-party tools via open and standardized interfaces