Collaboration and productivity - Key functions for AUTOSAR tools

ETAS ISOLAR-A’s editors support standard work processes for generating AUTOSAR systems and application software, as well as the AUTOSAR concepts of “Variant Handling” and “Splitable.”
Automated ISOLAR-A functions support a high number of work processes and help increase productivity and avoid error-prone manual work:
- Import of legacy formats (e.g. DBC, FIBEX, LDF, ODX), and AUTOSAR files (including System, ECU, and Diagnostic extracts)
- Support for iterative workflows, e.g. with model-based diff/merge, and rules-based validations
- Integration of AUTOSAR systems and application software
- Generation of system, ECU and diagnostics extracts for single and multi-core ECUs
- Configuration of run-time environments (RTE)

Developers have access to the AUTOSAR data model of their projects and can modify it using tool APIs through scripts and via command-line. Use case examples: modifications (refactoring), recurring tasks (continuous integration), and customer-specific tasks.
With the product ISOLAR-A ECU EXTRACT, a tool is available that focuses on the generation of ECU extracts via command line.