Data Acquisition and Processing
The collection, analysis and visualization of vehicle data is key for the development and operation of today´s mobility and future software-defined vehicles. Our tools enable a systematic, efficient extraction of the information you truly need, to master the mass of data.
ETAS provides high-performance hardware and software products to collect all types of data without any loss from everywhere in the vehicle: ECUs, internal networks, buses and sensors. „Getting data out of the inside of ECUs in perfection“ is in our DNA.
Our products and solutions help you to optimize vehicle functions in operation for new models and variants, permanently increasing the value of your vehicle. Based on our expertise and experience, high-performance products without any data loss are our value proposition.
Product segments supporting you to optimize your data acquisition and processing:
Measurement for Driver Assistance / Automated Driving (ADAS/AD)

ETAS provides holistic ADAS/AD measurement solutions for L2+, L3 and higher. Our portfolio contains modular measurement solutions which are ready for Hardware-open-Loop (HoL) replay and also covers field validation. ETAS strives for open and fully integrated solutions into DevOps Cycles, such that existing test data can be quickly reloaded, or new test data can be easily requested and recorded. Read more about our Automated Driving Measurement Solution.
Solution Modules
Powerful Autonomous Driving Control Unit (ADCU) measurement and replay access device, designed for measuring middleware internal data in the context of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Highly Automated Driving (HAD) in the vehicle as well as in the laboratory.
High performance measurement and replay of raw sensor data (e.g. cameras) via direct interaction with the sensor interfaces (e.g. TI FPD-Link III, TI FPD-Link IV, Maxim GMSL2) without interfering the control unit to enable efficient development, testing and validation of Autonomous Driving applications.
Lossless and scalable data recording solutions to handle high data volumes appearing in the ADAS context, starting from simple software-based logging to high-performance hardware logging.
Platform independent management system for recording & management of all kind of sensor data, data directly from the ECUs and recording devices, which could be easily be integrated in your measurement environment and be scaled to your use case.
Measurement and Calibration (M&C) for Motion
Despite ICE being widely replaced by electrified powertrains, the measurement & calibration use case will remain necessary for all powertrain types. In the area of motion, vehicle calibration focus shifts from emissions to efficiency, with comparable or increased complexity (and thus workload). Our data acquisition & processing tools support all types of powertrains, independent of the technology used, and through continuous development, future requirements are also supported. Additionally, ETAS assists you in the transformation by providing EV-specific functionality.

Measurement & Calibration
With its INCA software products, ETAS offers flexible tools for the calibration, diagnostics, and validation of automotive electronic systems. INCA tools are used in ECU development and testing, as well as for the validation and calibration of electronically controlled systems in vehicles, on test benches, or in virtual environments on PCs. They offer a wide variety of functions, including precalibration of function models on PCs, ECU flash programming, measurement data analysis, calibration data management, and automated optimization of ECU parameters.
Read more about ETAS INCA software products.

ECU Access
Powerful measuring and calibration access is an essential prerequisite for developing functions and calibrating function parameters. The Ethernet-based FETK, and XETK interfaces by ETAS provide direct access to the measurement variables and control parameters of an ECU either through the parallel data and address bus,- or via a serial microcontroller test or debugging interface.
Read more about ETAS hardware products.

BUS Access
Access to vehicle busses allows to supervise the inter ECU communication and to verify the correct operation of distributed functionality. The wide variety of vehicle bus interface modules provides access to all critical vehicle bus systems and while offering precise time synchronization with data measured from ECUs as well as analog data.
Read more about ETAS hardware products.

Data Analysis
During the ECU development process, measurement data that refers to different states of calibration data must be compared. The ETAS MDA (Measure Data Analyzer) measurement data analysis tool allows users to visualize, further process, analyze, and document measurement data.
Read more about the ETAS Measure Data Analyzer (MDA).

The ETAS Analytics Toolbox (EATB) is a reporting tool designed for searching, analyzing, and graphically visualizing large amounts of measurement data in a very short time.
Read more about the ETAS Analytics Tool (EATB).

Data Optimization
By using advanced AI methods from the field of machine learning, it is possible to accurately model, analyze and optimize the behavior of complex systems using only a small set of measurement data.
Read more about ETAS ASCMO.
Post Start-of-Production Data Processing and Shadow Mode:
To address the open world problem you need field based data. The SDV DevOps Cycle is driven by field data from production vehicles. With the field validation solution approach ETAS offers the possibility to collect field data and validate functions in the field.

Field validation
Running a released active function and the same function which is under development for optimization simultaneously on the production system provides the possibility to compare the results of these two functions and send the result to the backend for further analysis. The function under development runs in the shadow area and can be optimized with regards to sensor inputs in several iterations without impacting the production system. ETAS offers a software development kit (SDK) with capabilities including freedom from interference, data access to the target system, exchangeable executables, configurations, and recording and monitoring