The ADAS Measurement Solution from ETAS for Assisted and Automated Driving Control Units (ADCUs) and sensors offer high performance and scalable tools for data acquisition and processing, which can be efficiently integrated into existing development environments.

Today's challenges demand…
- Measurement of numerous raw sensor signals (e.g. cameras) simultaneously
- Measurement of internal data from various microprocessor(µP)- and microcontroller (µC)-based systems (e.g. ADCUs, sensors, ground truth sensors, …)
- Processing of heterogeneous data with very high data rates
- Synchronization of multiple data streams
- Management of the power consumption of the measurement system equipment
- Reuse of measured data for validation with Hardware-open-Loop (HoL), Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) and Software-in-the-Loop (SiL)

Our measurement solution…
- Is a modular and scalable end-to-end solution for in-vehicle data acquisition
- Provides data acquisition speeds to up to 8 GB/s
- Supports high speed and multi-camera measurement of raw video data (MHD)
- Supports internal data measurement of ADCU data and sensor data via PCIe (GETK-P4)
- Includes data logging and recording (RALO, PGC, ADL)
- Allows configuration and orchestration of sinks and sources of the measurement network (RALO)
- Provides a built-in and lossless data compression
- Increases performance of data handling on the measurement PC with an accelerator card (PGC)
- Is ready for HoL (Hardware-open-Loop) replay and supports reuse of acquired data

What are your benefits?
High speed access to all critical data in the vehicle through µP - and µC -based interfaces to ECU internal measurement data
Time synchronized acquisition of internal ADCU data, video data and other sensor data
Low impact on ADCU computing performance
Can easily be integrated into existing tool-chains with straightforward interfaces to third-party and in-house solutions
Our field tested hardware access and software solutions for high-speed data acquisition provide you with security of your investment
Data consistency across processes and time savings through the reuse of measured data for validation with HoL, HiL and SiL solutions
Future proof measurement system for sensors and ECUs based on Ethernet technology
Measurement solution built upon comprehensive knowledge of ADCUs, sensors and their respective interfaces
ETAS is a reliable partner with more than 25 years of experience in the transportation market
ETAS tools for ADAS measurement improve your efficiency. Learn more:

MHD 2.0
The MHD2.0 enables the efficient collection of raw video data for development, testing and validation in the context of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Highly Automated Driving (HAD) in the vehicle as well as in the laboratory.
- High performance data acquisition of raw video sensor data via "man-in-the-middle" approach.
- Support of different sensor interfaces (e.g. TI FPD-Link III, TI FPD-Link IV, Maxim GMSL2)*.
- Data acquisition of up to 8 cameras per MHD device with up to 20 Gbps. Up to 36 Gbps possible with use of an available lossless compression IP core.
- Scalable design - multiple MHD devicescan be used in parallel
- Time synchronization via IEEE1588 Precision time protocol (PTP)
- MHD device is replay ready (HoL / HiL)
*further interfaces on request

PGC-1000 (PLC2)
The PLC2 Accelerator Card PGC-1000, is ideally suited to enable high-end multi-camera video data logging and replaying on mid-range PCs, to avoid the need for costly, very high-end multiprocessor computers.
- High performance PCIe-based video data acquisition
- Up to 40 GB Ethernet
- Recording and replay features
- Lossless image compression and decompression
- Custom protocol implementation possible, e.g. adoption of an Ethernet-based protocol layer
- Real-time synchronization of the individual data streams
- Data integrity (CRC)

L5 – Lossless Video Compression (PLC2)
The PLC2 lightweight, low latency, low power & lossless (L5) Compression IP is an image compression IP for FPGAs. It comes with Xilinx AXI-streaming interfaces to be seamlessly integrated into existing image processing applications.

GETK-P4.0A Hardware measurement adapter
The GETK-P4.0A enables the acquisition of ECU-internal middleware data within the scope of the Development of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Highly Automated Driving (HAD) both in the vehicle and in the laboratory.
- Shortening of test drives on the road thanks to very high bandwidth with PCIe 4.0
- Full compatibility with common microprocessor manufacturers
- Very low CPU load on the ADCU due to DMA transfer on the GETK-P4.0A
- Parallel use of multiple synchronised devices possible due to scalable design
- Seamless integration due to component compatibility of ETAS HAD / ADAS measurement software
- Time synchronisation via IEEE1588 Precision time protocol (PTP)

RALO is a software to manage the overall measurement network. It configures, controls and monitors multiple data sources (e.g. GETK-P4 ) and multiple data sinks (e.g. data recorders, visualization applications). Additionally, RALO supports "service-discovery" to identify measurable data from the ECU software and supports the online and offline data access. A modular approach allows a flexible deployment in either a Windows and/or Linux operating system.
- Reduced complexity through a holistic and modular solution approach
- Investment security through future-oriented scalability
- Flexible integration in the tool chain through well-defined APIs

ADL-1000 (PLC2)
High performance automotive data logger which provides recording and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) capabilities for the validation of video-based advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)and autonomous driving (AD) systems.
- Provides a flexible, scalable, and expandable design in an air-cooled housing
- Efficient power consumption allows smarter cooling concepts and longer operating times
- Its compact form allow it to be easily integrated in standard sized racks in test vehicles

L5 – Lossless Video Compression (PLC2)
The PLC2 lightweight, low latency, low power & lossless (L5) Compression IP is an image compression IP for FPGAs. It comes with Xilinx AXI-streaming interfaces to be seamlessly integrated into existing image processing applications.