ETAS Academy – Knowledge is the key to success
Our trainers are highly experienced engineers in the field of engineering and support, who relish sharing knowledge on ETAS products and development processes. Target groups for the trainings are beginners, advanced users and those who wish to expand their existing knowledge.
Our modern training rooms are well equipped at every seminar place with suitable software as well as hardware for practical sessions.
Every participant will receive detailed training materials and a certificate of participation. Both refreshments and lunch will be included.
The seminars are usually from 9:00 to 17:00 at ETAS, Stuttgart-Feuerbach. (travel and parking information)
The online registration form is user-friendly: Select the desired course date and complete the form. You will receive a reservation confirmation.
We conduct all trainings at the customer’s site in German or English.
We would be pleased to send you a personal offer when requested.
Please contact us for dates, prices and details.
For more information or questions, concerning trainings please contact:
Consulting, Training & Operation Services
Borsigstr. 24
DE 70469 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 3423-2283
E-Mail: training.de@etas.com
Global Training Offers
Online Training
Generally, all training courses listed below can be held online.
Since certain framework conditions apply in order to be able to conduct an online training via MS Teams® or Skype®, please contact us to discuss the technical options.
Measurement, Calibration, Diagnostics
INCA - Calibration
This training covers the complete scope of the functionality of the INCA product family (database management, measurement, calibration, evaluation of measure files, and connection to the dyno). Practical operation and explanation of the theoretical context. Ideal for beginners.
INCA Calibration (German) | ||
04 Feb 2025 - 06 Feb 2025 | German Places available: 11 | Stuttgart |
INCA Calibration (English) | ||
Please contact us for available dates | English |
INCA - Calibration
You wish to calibrate in the vehicle and wish to learn the functionality of the INCA software.
The practical operation of the software and the knowledge of the INCA database are important for you. Additionally, you are interested in the advantages and disadvantages of various calibration concepts.
You will learn about the connection between the software and the hardware.
- Architecture and functionality of ETK and ETAS calibration devices.
- Two page concept, division in program and data.
- ASAM MCD 2 MC and *.hex files.
- Connection of additional hardware and configuration of the measure channels.
You will become familiar with the INCA database through practical exercises.
- Opening of the database and construction of the database structure.
- Explanation of the database items Workspace, Project, and Experiment.
- Creation of new projects in the INCA database.
- Coupling of the workspace with a project and data sets.
- Exporting and importing of database items.
You can adapt the measurement and calibration environment to your preference.
- Variable selection and allocation of the measuring sample rate.
- Measurement of additional calculated signals.
- Variables displayed in various windows (configuration of variables).
- Saving (and write protection) of the experiment environment.
Measurement and calibration tasks will be carried out and the data sets will be saved.
- You will carry out measurement and calibration tasks and save the data sets.
- Matching of data sets between the PC and the ECU/ETK (Download, Upload, Flashing).
- Recording of measurement variables in measure files.
- Calibration of parameters, maps and curves.
- Saving and write protection of data sets.
- Creation of *.hex-files.
Calibration data sets are managed with the Calibration Data Manager (CDM).
- Documentation of the data sets.
- Comparison and merge of calibration data.
- Creation of exchange format (DCM, CVX and CDF files).
The measurement data files are evaluated with the Measure Data Analyzer (MDA).
You will learn how INCA communicates with the test bed over the ASAM MCD 3 interface.
Requirements: Knowledge of PCs and MS Windows®
Course duration: 3 days
INCA – Advanced Calibration Techniques
The scope of this course is the advanced functionality in INCA, Tips & Tricks. INCA experience is required.
INCA - Advanced Calibration Techniques | ||
Please contact us for available dates | German |
INCA - Advanced Calibration Techniques
You are familiar with the concepts behind INCA. Now you want to learn more details about advanced functionalities in INCA. Also you are interested in Tips and Tricks to use INCA more efficient at your daily work. Additionally you want to how INCA Add-ons can speed up your workflow.
Consolidation for the main functions of INCA:
- Extended functionalities at your daily work with INCA
- Currently available technics to access the data inside an ECU
- Multi Recording (as replacement of the default recorder)
- Virtual working pages: n working pages inside the CSE (Calibration Scenario Editor)
- Tips and Tricks for the experiment setup
- Analyzing of large measurement files
- Synchronization of measurement windows
- Calculated signals and their benefits
ADM (Application Data Manager):
- What’s is that tool ADM and how to use it effectively
- Extended functionalities for comparison of application data and how to copy such data
Useful extensions for INCA:
- INCA-FLOW: run periodic tasks automatically
- EHANDBOOK: To get a fast overview about the software function you want to calibrate
Requirements: You already joined an INCA-Calibration training or you work regularly with INCA
Course duration: 2 days
INCA FLOW Coaching
INCA FLOW Coaching | ||
Please contact us for available dates | German |
INCA FLOW Coaching
Are you a calibrator of automotive Electronic Control Units (ECU)? Do you have the need to calibrate complex ECU functions with many sub-functions and a high number of calibration variables? Are these actions required to be performed frequently in an efficient and cost effective manner? If Yes, ETAS has a solution: INCA-FLOW. Through powerful graphical automation technologies INCA-FLOW will enable you to improve the quality of your results, while being able to design 100% reproducible procedures which can be initiated by the click of a button.
Coaching can be provided at your place of business or at ETAS headquarter here in Stuttgart, through the use of our own ETAS-test vehicle. The coaching will be carried out by using one of your own calibration tasks so that you can directly see the benefits of INCA-Flow in your daily work.
Identify an applicable, real world use-case from your daily work environment
- Review use-cases & requirements for INCA FLOW
- Identify benefits of INCA FLOW within the use-case
Introduction to INCA FLOW
- Installation & start
- INCA FLOW tools & resources
- Main operating elements and views
- How INCA FLOW handles the calibration process
Working with INCA FLOW
- Realization of the customer defined use-case
- Common documentation of the calibration steps
- Common realization of the INCA FLOW scripts
- Start-up of the script in the customer vehicle / engine
- Validate the optimization of the script
Requirements: Basic knowledge of automotive ECU calibration processes
Basic INCA knowledge
Duration: dependent on the complexity of the project
This course gives you an overview about the measurement data analyzer tool MDA V8 and the documentation viewer EHANDBOOK.
MDA V8 and EHANDBOOK (English) | ||
Please contact us for available dates | English | |
MDA V8 und EHANDBOOK (German) | ||
Please contact us for available dates | German |
This training address to those users who need to analyze measured data with the MDA V8 either in the test vehicle, at the dyno cell or in the office as well as understanding the functionality of the ECU-Software by using the EHANDBOOK Navigator. Additionally the training is useful for people who needs to migrate from MDA V7 to V8.
After completing the course participants
- Will gain a good understanding of the MDA V8 features.
- Learn how to analyze measured data efficiently.
- Learn how to connect MDA V8 with other application and documentation tools.
- Learn about the electronic documentation EHANDBOOK Navigator
- Navigating with EHANDBOOK to understand ECU functions.
Round about 0.5 days about MDA V8:
- generate measure data in INCA which is optimized for analyzes in MDA V8
- analyze measure data
- define calculated signals
- tips and tricks about the usage of MDA V8
Round about 0.5 days about EHADNBOOK Navigator:
- navigation inside EHANDBOOK
- Connection EHANDBOOK > INCA
- Connection EHANDBOOK > MDA V8
- tips and tricks about the usage of EHANDBOOK
All topics explained based on “daily life” examples and trained via practical exercises.
- Experience in the area of measurement and calibration for embedded systems
Curse duration:
- 1 day
ASCMO Coaching
ASCMO Coaching | ||
Please contact us for available dates | German |
ASCMO Coaching
You are a calibrator of automotive Electronic Control Units (ECU)! You have the need to calibrate complex ECU functions with a high number of calibration variables! These actions are required to be performed in an efficient and cost effective way! You lack the availability of test-vehicles and test-benches and would therefore prefer to work with a data based simulation model? If Yes, ETAS has a solution: ASCMO. Through powerful DoE modelling, simulation and graphical animation technologies ASCMO will enable you to improve the quality of your results, and enables you to implement procedures for data reduction and evaluation which can be initiated by the click of a button.
ASCMO-Coaching can provide you with the required capabilities and with tips and tricks on your problem at hand and at your place of business or at ETAS headquarter here in Stuttgart. The coaching will be carried out on one of your own calibration, modelling or simulation tasks so that you can directly see the benefits of ASCMO for your daily work.
Identify an applicable, real world use-case from your daily work environment
- Review use-cases & requirements for ASCMO
- Identify benefits of ASCMO within the use-case
Introduction to ASCMO
- Installation & start-up
- ASCMO data reduction
- Modelling and simulation capabilities
- Generation and Optimisation of calibrations
Working with ASCMO
- Realization of the customer defined use-case
- Common documentation of the calibration steps
- Common realization of ASCMO projects
- Common definition and implementation of optimisation criteria
- Common generation and review of optimized calibrations
- Visualisation and documentation of results
- Implementation of ASCMO scripts
Requirements: Basic knowledge of automotive ECU calibration processes
Basic simulation knowledge
Basic knowledge of mathematical statistics
Duration: dependent on the complexity of the project
Software Engineering
This training covers nearly the complete scope of the functionality of the EHOOKS. You will get an overview about the technology “software hooks”, especially in the area of OTB (On-Target-Bypass).
Please contact us for available dates | German |
EHOOKS Training
This course is designed for software -and function developers with a need for fast changes in ECU software with EHOOKS.
- You will learn, how you can hook your software on your own with EHOOKS.
- Additionally you will learn how you can use well known IDEs (integrated development environments) to do more complex software hooks.
- Basic concepts of software hooks and advantages in today’s software development
- How to use EHOOKS
- Possible types of hooks:
- Hooked-Based-Bypass (HBB)
- Service-Based-Bypass (SBB)
- On-Target-Bypass (OTB) - Integration of EHOOKS in software development environments such as ASCET and Matlab / Simulink® (based on concrete examples)
- Hints and tips on the effective usage of EHOOKS
Requirements: Knowledge of PCs and MS Windows®
Basic knowledge of ASCET and Matlab/Simulink®
Knowledge about calibration processes
Course duration: 1 day
ASCET-MD: Modeling and Design (ASCET V6)
Based on practical examples this training covers nearly the complete scope of the functionality of the ASCET product family: MD (graphical modeling of software), SE (code generation for microcontrollers), SCM (version control, Diff – Comparison of models). Ideal for beginners.
ASCET-MD: Modeling and Design (ASCET V6) | ||
Please contact us for available dates | German |
ASCET-MD Training: Modeling and Design
This course is intended for new users of ASCET-MD who want to use the tool to model and simulate ECU software functions.
- The concept of ASCET-MD and its central role in the automotive embedded control system development cycle.
- Creating reusable and/or target-independent control functions.
- Simulating and debugging control algorithms in an experiment environment.
- After an introduction into graphic modelling you will apply this method (Floating-Point-View) to calculate ASCET functions with fix point variables
- Generating production-intent ANSI C code (fix point arithmetic) automatically from an ASCET model.
- Introduction of the ASCET workflow
- The modeling languages in ASCET
- The component module
- The component class
- The component Conditional Table
- Defining functionality of components with C and ESDL
- Usage of measured signals
- The component state machine
- The project in ASCET
- Modelling of closed loop controlled systems with CT-Blocks
- Integer code generation
- Documentation for components and projects
- Version control via ASCET-SCM
- Comparison of ASCET models via ASCET-Diff
Requirements: Knowledge of PCs and MS Windows®
Course duration: 3 days
The handling of the tool is explained by means of illustrative examples and deepened with exercises. Graphical and textual description of functions, simulation of these functions and code generation are practically applied and explained. Model conversion from ASCET V6 to ASCET V7 and version management complete the training.
This training is suitable for ASCET V6 users.
ASCET-DEVELOPER (ASCET V7): Switch from V6 | ||
Please contact us for available dates | German |
This course is intended for ASCET 6 users, who already have experience with ASCET V6. The participants are developers for functions and software in Electronic Control Units, who are able to design their own models or model parts in ASCET V6.
- Get an overview of the concept of ASCET-Developer and its central role in the automotive embedded control system development cycle, compared to ASCET V6
- Hands on exercises will help you to get used quickly with the operation of ASCET Developer
- You will know the textual ESDL language as well, as the graphical block diagram and the state machine
- Get familiar with the known ETAS Experiment Environment and learn how to verify and analyze your functions
- Generate ANSI C code for fix point arithmetic similar to series production code.
- Introduction in ASCET 7 and its operation, compared to ASCET V6
- ESDL class, block diagram class (short), the Application, the new state machine editor
- Running your functions in the ETAS Experiment Environment, including measurement, calibration, stimulation and recording
- Generation of integer code
- Version management for ASCET functions
- Comparison of ASCET functions
Course duration: 2 days
The handling of ASCET is demonstrated, using clear examples and deepened with many exercises. Practical applications of graphical and textual function description, simulation of these functions and code generation are the main topics of this training. Integer-Code-Optimiyation and version management complete it.
This training is suitable for beginners in the area of model based development with ASCET.
Please contact us for available dates | German |
This course is intended for new ASCET users, who have no or little experience with ASCET. The participants are developers for functions and software in Electronic Control Units.
- Get an overview of the concept of ASCET-DEVELOPER and its central role in the automotive embedded control system development cycle.
- Use ASCET Developer for building functions and develop ECU software. Learn how to operate ASCET-DEVELOPER.
- You will know the textual ESDL language as well as the graphical block diagram and the state machine
- Get familiar with the ETAS Experiment Environment and learn how to verify and analyze your functions.
- Generate ANSI C code for fix point arithmetic similar to series production code.
- Introduction in ASCET V7 and its operation
- ESDL class, block diagram class, the Application, the state machine
- Running your functions in the ETAS Experiment Environment, including measurement, calibration, stimulation, and recording
- Generation of integer code
- Version management for ASCET functions
- Comparison of ASCET functions
Course duration: 3 days
INTECRIO Coaching | ||
Please contact us for available dates | English |
You wish to test ASCET and MATLAB® /Simulink® models quickly in a real-time environment in the vehicle or on the test bench.
- You will learn the structure of INTECRIO and the interface to the supported modeling tools.
- Using examples from Simulink® and ASCET models, you will carry out the necessary model adaptation and import these models into INTECRIO.
- You will learn how to configure and integrate the models in the INTECRIO environment.
- In addition to the software systems, you will build up a hardware configuration and connect it to the model being tested.
- As simulation hardware, you will get familiar with the Virtual-Prototyping-Target on PC as well as our real-time-device ES910 with its hardware interfaces.
Requirements: Knowledge of PCs and MS Windows®
ASCET- and/or Simulink® knowledge
Course duration: dependent on the complexity of the project
The handling of VECU-Builder is demonstrated, using clear examples, and deepened with exercises. Practical applications of building virtual ECUs, simulating them and measuring results are the main topics of this training.
This training is suitable for beginners in the area of virtual ECU development with VECU-BUILDER.
Please contact us for available dates | English |
This course is intended for new VECU-BUILDER users, who have no or little experience with VECU-BUILDER. The participants are SiL (Software-in-Loop) testers for functions and software in Electronic Control Units.
- Get an overview of the concept of VECU-BUILDER and its central role in the automotive embedded control testing cycle
- Use VECU-BUILDER for building virtual ECU. Learn how to operate and configure VECU-BUILDER
- You will get to know the textual YAML language
- Use the Simulation Environment COSYM and the ETAS Experiment Environment to learn how to analyze your virtual ECU
- Additionally, you can see how to use virtual ECUs in Matlab Simulink and FMPy
- Introduction and overview
- Tool installations
- Creating new workspaces
- Configuration of VECU-BUILDER in the YAML file
- Building FMUs with different code examples
- Test with FMU checker
- Debug the FMU on c code level
- Use of FMU simulation tools: COSYM, Matlab Simulink®, FMPy
- Measurement and calibration of FMU with XCP and INCA
Course duration: 1 day
RTA Solutions
AUTOSAR Basic Software
Advanced training on configuration, generation and integration of AUTOSAR Basic Software.
AUTOSAR Basic Software | ||
Please contact us for available dates | English |
AUTOSAR Basic Software
AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) is an open and standardized automotive software architecture, jointly developed by automobile manufacturers, suppliers, and tool developers.
Project Managers, Software Architects, ECU Software developers
The aim of this advanced training is to provide an introduction to the AUTOSAR standard and how it supports the automotive software development process with focus on the basic software. The participants learn the basics of the configuration and generation of the AUTOSAR basic software modules. The training covers the basics on the services layer, the communication stack, the memory stack and diagnostics stack. It is based on the AUTOSAR R4.0 specification.
- AUTOSAR Overview
Motivation, Organization, Basics, Methodology - The Layered AUTOSAR Software Architecture
Concepts, Layers, Stacks - Communication Stack
Configuration and generation of a CAN example - Services Layer
Mode Management, EcuM - Memory Stack
NvRam configuration and generation - Diagnostics Stack
Configuration of a Diagnostic Service, a Diagnostic Event and a DTC - ECU Configuration and C code Integration in a virtual ECU
The training combines theory and practical exercise. The AUTOSAR Tooling (RTA-RTE, RTA-OS and ISOLAR-EVE) will be provided by ETAS for the practical exercises. The ETAS Basic Software Modules will be used.
Requirements: The training “AUTOSAR for Software Developers” or equivalent experience in projects
Course duration: 2 days
AUTOSAR for Software Developer
Introductory training on AUTOSAR with focus on the development of application software components, RTE configuration and generation.
AUTOSAR for Software Developer | ||
Please contact us for available dates | English |
AUTOSAR for Software Developers
AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) is an open and standardized automotive software architecture, jointly developed by automobile manufacturers, suppliers, and tool developers.
Project Managers, Software Architects, ECU software developers
The aim of the training is to provide an introduction to the AUTOSAR standard and how it supports the automotive software development process. The participants learn how to develop application software components and how they are integrated in an ECU. This training is based on the AUTOSAR R4.0 specification.
- AUTOSAR Overview
Motivation, Organization, Basics, Methodology - AUTOSAR Software Component Template
Concepts, Software Components and Compositions, NVRam, Mode Management - AUTOSAR System Template
System Configuration, ECU Configuration, RTE Generation - AUTOSAR Code Integration in a virtual ECU
- Measurement and Calibration in AUTOSAR
The training focuses on the AUTOSAR concepts and combines theory and practical exercise. The participant can choose to use the AUTOSAR Tooling provided by ETAS or own tools for the practical exercises.
Requirements: Basic knowledge on software development
Course duration: 2 days
AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform for Software Developers
Introductory training to the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform with focus on the development of application software, communication management and execution management.
AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform for Software Developers | ||
Please contact us for available dates | English |
AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform for Software Developers
AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) is an open and standardized automotive software architecture, jointly developed by automobile manufacturers, suppliers, and tool developers.
The participant is assumed to be an engineer who develops application software components or a software architect.
The aim of the training is to provide an introduction to the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform concepts and how they support the automotive software development process.
- AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform Overview
Motivation, Organization, Basics, Architecture and Methodology - Machine lifecycle and Application State Management
- Execution Management
- Communication Management
Service oriented communication, Skeleton & Proxy, SOME/IP binding - Implementing, building and running an application
- Interoperability between classic and adaptive applications
The training focuses on the AUTOSAR concepts and mixes theory and practical exercise to reinforce the theoretical concepts. The exercises use RTA-VRTE, based on the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform Demonstrator.
- Experience with C++
- No previous experience in AUTOSAR projects is required
Course duration: 2 days
ISO 26262 for Software Developers
Introduction to ISO 26262 with focus on requirements to software development of safety-relevant components and systems.
ISO 26262 for Software Developers (English) | ||
Please contact us for available dates | English |
ISO 26262 für Software-Entwickler (Deutsch) | ||
Please contact us for available dates | German |
ISO 26262 for Software Developers
Scrum masters, software architects, software developer, software integrators, software tester, safety managers in software projects
According to ISO 26262, as part of a safety culture, all involved persons in the development of safety-related products shall have a sufficient level of skills, competences and qualifications corresponding to their responsibilities.
This training course starts with an introduction to functional safety, gives an overview on structure and content of ISO 26262 and then focuses specifically on the ISO 26262 requirements during the development of safety-relevant software with its interfaces to system and hardware level.
- Introduction to functional safety and overview on ISO 26262
- Safety management
- Software development
- Safety Element out of Context
- Tool Classification and Qualification
- Safety analyses
- Supporting processes
- Basics in Software Engineering
Course duration:
- 2 days