Product Family / Category
Product / Topic
RTA | RTA-OS | Software | TCC70-R5-GHS V2.0.0
| 11/26/2024 |
ASCET | ASCET V6.1 | Software | ASCET V6.1.4 Hotfix 24
ASCET V6.1.4 Hotfix 24
This hotfix contains the most current bug fixes for ASCET V6.1.4. The functionality of the bug fixes has been thoroughly tested and guaranteed. However, this hotfix has not been subject to the complete release tests of ASCET. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee the usual high quality standards for this hotfix.
ETAS GmbH accepts no further obligation in relation to this hotfix.
If you need … | 11/21/2024 |
ASCMO V5.14 is the version released November 2024.
ETAS ASCMO is the ideal solution for data-based modeling and model-based calibration. It enables users to accurately model, analyze, and optimize the behavior of complex systems based on only a few measurements and using advanced algorithms. Both, steady-state and transient system behaviors can be captured. Furthermore, it allows optimizing parameters of physics … | 11/21/2024 |
ESCRYPT | Cybersecurity Solutions | Flyer / Brochure / White Paper | ESCRYPT Vehicle Computer Security Suite Flyer
| 11/19/2024 |
MHD | MHD | Manual / Technical Documentation | MHD 2.0 Safety Advice
| 11/19/2024 |
COSYM | COSYM | Software | COSYM CAR 3.4
The COSYM-CAR is an ETAS configuration tool for simulation engineers to create high-cut and low-cut restbus modules using GUI/CLI.
COSYM-CAR supports generation of BusConnector FMUs (low-cut restbus module) for CAN\CAN-FD, FLEXRAY, LIN and AE, based on ARXMLs / DBCs / FIBEX / LDFs input.
BusConnector FMU is used for Restbus simulation and serves as counterpart for Type 2 or 3 vECUs. | 11/15/2024 |
RALO | RALO | Software | ETAS RALO V1.9.0
RALO V1.9.0 is the Q3/24 release of RALO.
RALO (Logging Network Suite) is for the configuration, control and monitoring of a measurement network with different data sources, such as middleware (e.g.ETAS Middleware Solution for ADAS / AD, ROS) and sensors, as well as sinks, e.g. recorders and visualization environments. The RALO components such as RALO-Manager, -Recorder and -Interpreter runs on Windows and Linux. | 11/13/2024 |
PLC2 | PCG-1000 | Software | PCG-1000 V1.8.0
PGC-1000 V1.8.0 is the Q3/2024 release of PGC-1000.
The PGC-1000 is a PCIe card providing high-performance GigE vision compatible video data logging and replay capabilities to the user. Therefore, it provides QSFP+ connectors (capable up to 40Gb Ethernet) for connectivity and features a Xilinx FPGA (Ultrascale+ technology) with up to 24GB of DDR4 memory that can be utilized for frame buffering. It contrast to pure GigE vision … | 10/29/2024 |
Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of Supply | ETAS K.K. (Japan) | Terms and Conditions | T&C Repair Services (ETAS K.K., Japan)
General Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Repair Services (ETAS K.K., Japan) | 10/29/2024 |
PLC2 | PCG-1000 | Manual / Technical Documentation | PGC-1000 User Guide
PGC-1000 User Guide | 10/25/2024 |
Corporate | ETAS License Manager (LiMa) | FAQ / Use Case | ETAS License Management FAQ
ETAS License Management FAQ
FlexNet Embedded – The new licensing technology for our PC based ETAS software products
At a glance:
Technological future-proof and even more convenient handling of license management
Information on the timing of the introduction of the new licensing technology for the various products
| 10/17/2024 |