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ASCETASCET V6.4, ASCET-DIFFSoftwareASCET-DIFF V6.4.5 Hotfix 1 ASCET-DIFF V6.4.5 Hotfix 109/08/2021
Corporate, Multiple FamiliesCorporate, multiple productsRealTimes ArticleRealTimes 2021 09/03/2021
ETK / XETK / FETKXETK-S31Manual / Technical DocumentationXETK-S31.0C User's Guide 09/01/2021
Corporate, Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of SupplyETAS (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. (China), ETAS Automotive India Private Limited, ETAS Embedded Systems Canada Inc., ETAS GmbH (Germany), ETAS Inc. (USA), …Terms and ConditionsAdditional Quotation and Sales Conditions for Products regarding Open Source Software 08/26/2021
INCAMDAVideoMDA V8 – Basic Introduction MDA V8 – Basic Introduction

This video shows how to get quickly familiar with the handling of MDA V8.



More videos are available on our ETAS YouTube Channel.

INCAINCA V3.2, INCA V4.0, INCA V5.0, INCA V5.1, INCA V5.2, …Technical ArticleTransforming a vision into success – A journey through the history of INCA Transforming a vision into success – A journey through the history of INCA

On April 17, 1997, ETAS launched a new product: INCA V1.0. The developers’ vision – a tool for ECU calibration that could be used by any automaker in the world – must initially have seemed like an unattainable dream. Today, this vision has been more than realized. Yet there is still more to be done, with technical innovations and the future of the automobile …

StandardsAUTOSARTechnical ArticleA new direction: AUTOSAR Adaptive A new direction: AUTOSAR Adaptive

Automotive software is undergoing fundamental changes. New functions and E/E architectures require new software architectures and infrastructures for embedded software. Powerful vehicle computers (VCs) and the AUTOSAR Adaptive standard are supplementing and in some cases even replacing conventional ECUs. What changes will this bring about in software development and why is becoming familiar with AUTOSAR …

ETK / XETK / FETKFETK-S2Manual / Technical DocumentationFETK-S2.1A User Guide 07/23/2021
INCAMDAVideoMDA V8.5.5 What’s New Presentation Video MDA V8.5.5 What’s New Presentation

In this video Matthias Gekeler, Product Manager of ETAS MDA, will guide you through the new features that were introduced in MDA V8.5.5.

Presented topics are:

00:25 Home Page – MDA8 welcomes you 01:38 Indication and extraction of measure file attachments 03:10 Resampling of measure data during export 04:42 Further categories for filtering in Variable Explorer 06:35 Multiple …
ASCETASCET V6.4SoftwareASCET V6.4.3 Hotfix 8 ASCET V6.4.3 Hotfix 8

This hotfix contains the most current bug fixes for ASCET V6.4.3. The functionality of the bug fixes has been thoroughly tested and guaranteed. However, this hotfix has not been subject to the complete release tests of ASCET. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee the usual high quality standards for this hotfix.

ETAS GmbH accepts no further obligation in relation to this hotfix.

If you need …

ASCETASCET V6.4Known Issue ReportASCET Example PR659941 Known Issue Report ASCET Example

Please refer to the ASCET Known Issue Report for further details on this example.
