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LABCAR Software / SystemES4440FAQ / Use CaseES4440 Do the Failure Active LEDs also shine at the slaves

Do the Failure Active LEDs also shine at the slaves at several cascaded ES4440 if an error is active?

LABCAR Software / SystemES5300, ES5338FAQ / Use CaseES5338 External Connections for Measurement

How to measure signals generated by the ES5338

Middleware Solution, RTARTA-OSManual / Technical DocumentationRTA-OS ZynqUSA53GHS Port Datasheet 12/13/2019
Engineering AssetsELiS CAN Interface Manual / Technical DocumentationELIS4.1 Manual

ELiS4 CAN Interface Manual

The ELiS4 CAN Interface from ETAS is used to connect the Bosch EGS-LI Liquid Sensor to a measuring tool, e.g., INCA.

The free of charge ELiS CANdb Generator produces CANdb data that map signals measured with the ELiS CAN Interface to signals in CAN frames. The CANdb data can be used with INCA to read the CAN Signals from the connected ELiS devices.

The measurements taken …

Measurement ProbesCBNxxxManual / Technical DocumentationCBN41x.2 Safety_Advice Current_Probe

Product specific safety sheet for current probe

ES5000ES5100Manual / Technical DocumentationES5100.1 Desktop Housing User's Guide 11/22/2019
ASCET, ISOLAR, Middleware Solution, RTAASCET-DEVELOPER, AUTOSAR, ISOLAR-A, ISOLAR-B, ISOLAR-EVE, …Flyer / Brochure / White PaperAUTOSAR Flyer AUTOSAR solutions from ETAS – Tools, basic software, and services

AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) is a worldwide development partnership of major automotive industry OEMs and suppliers, as well as tool and software companies. The goal of the partnership is to establish and develop a global standard encompassing a common software architecture, application interfaces, and methodologies for developing embedded software for …

INCAINCA-SIPFlyer / Brochure / White PaperETAS INCA-SIP Flyer

Simulink® Integration Package for INCA

At a Glance:

Measurement and calibration access to Simulink models and S-Functions while running simulation with Simulink® One-click connection from Simulink® to INCA Early validation, precalibration, and testing of Simulink® control models on the PC with ETAS INCA Use of measurement data files as stimuli for the …
ASCETASCET V6.4Known Issue ReportASCET Example PR619211

Please refer to the ASCET Known Issue Report for further details on this example.

Middleware Solution, RTAAUTOSAR Adaptive, RTA-VRTETechnical ArticleParadigm Shift in the Market for Automotive Software Paradigm Shift in the Market for Automotive Software

The tasks involved in automated driving cannot be mastered merely through the use of conventional control units. Powerful vehicle computers are starting to gain a foothold. This will not only revolutionize software architectures, but also the market for automotive software as a whole. A new set of standards for software architectures and vehicle computers of the future is currently …

ES5000ES5398Manual / Technical DocumentationES5398 Safety Advice 11/16/2019