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ASCET, ISOLARASCET-DEVELOPER, ISOLAR-A, ISOLAR-EVEFAQ / Use CaseHow to import or export preferences in ASCET or ISOLAR

This article provides the steps to export and import configured preferences options.

ASCET, ASCMO, EHOOKS, INCA, INTECRIO, ISOLARETAS License Manager (LiMa)FAQ / Use CaseInstallation of component ETAS License Manager (x86) failed. Error Code 1603

Installation or uninstallation of any ETAS product failed. Error message was: Installation of Package 'ETAS License Manager (x86)' failed with error code '1603' and error message 'Fatal error during installation.'. This behavior occurs for many reasons and also specific to the system. The most often reasons and according resolutions are listed in this FAQ article.

EHOOKSEHOOKSFAQ / Use CaseMultiple versions of EHOOKS on 1 computer

This article describes how to handle multiple EHOOKS versions on one machine. For example: How to switch between several EHOOKS versions.

ASCETASCET V5.2, ASCET V6.0, ASCET V6.1, ASCET V6.2, ASCET V6.3, …FAQ / Use CaseOpen ASCET Database: Password protected data storage

Open ASCET Database: Password protected data storage

ASCETASCET V5.2, ASCET V6.0, ASCET V6.1, ASCET V6.2, ASCET V6.3, …FAQ / Use CaseReinitialization of ES113x in ASCET-RP

Question: How to reinitialize the ES113x and the RTIO drivers?
Answer: A switch to the Exit mode and instant switch back to the user application mode reinitializes the model including the hardware drivers.

ISOLARISOLAR-AFAQ / Use CaseWhere to find an AUTOSAR example project

ISOLAR-A comes with several AUTOSAR example projects

ASCETASCET V6.4Manual / Technical DocumentationASCET V6.4.2 OSS Attributions 02/16/2017
ASCETASCET-DIFFManual / Technical DocumentationASCET-DIFF V6.4.2 OSS Attributions 02/16/2017
ASCETASCET V6.4Known Issue ReportASCET Example PR557938

Please refer to the ASCET Known Issue Report for further details on this example.

Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions of PurchaseETAS Inc. (USA)Terms and ConditionsT&C of Purchase (ETAS Inc., USA) Terms and Conditions of Purchase (ETAS Inc., Ann Arbor/USA)01/26/2017
INTECRIOASCET-RP, ES910, INTECRIO-RLINKFAQ / Use CaseUse Case: Optimizing Service Based Bypass (SBB)

Service Based Bypass is the bypass method best used when the bypass needs to exactly define at which point in the ECU’s data flow data shall be sampled and/or a bypass shall be triggered fully synchronously to a ECU function and raster delay shall be avoided.
As a consequence, each bypassed function requires its own ECU trigger, which can be a limiting factor in some ECU projects. This paper describes how the available ETK resources …
