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Product Family / Category ASCMO, INCA |
Product / Topic ASCMO, INCA-FLOW |
Type Flyer / Brochure / White Paper |
Title Success Story: ODCM to Improve the Efficiency of Model-Based Calibration |
Overcoming the limitation of manual ICE calibration with automated measurement and smart model-based calibration
At the initial stages of development, the precise operational limits of a new engine are often not known in detail. ETAS addresses this challenge with its INCA-FLOW and ETAS ASCMO tools. Through ASCMO-ODCM (Online DoE with Constraint Modelling), the test plan is dynamically adjusted based on real-time feedback from the engine, ensuring stability and minimizing limit violations after each measurement, while INCA-FLOW offers the complete automation of the toolchain including also INCA and the testbench system.
The analysis of tests performed by the Vehicle Environment Development Department of SUBARU Corporation has highlighted the numerous advantages of ODCM over traditional DoE methods. These benefits include mitigating the risk of engine damage by reducing the frequency of interlock (I/L) occurrences through the creation of boundary models. Furthermore, ODCM simplifies the process of creating DoE points and minimizes the number of measurement stops, ultimately expediting the model creation process. With ASCMO ODCM, individuals can efficiently and safely develop highly accurate models within a shorter timeframe.
PDF · 3.2 MB · 08/08/2024