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Product Family / Category INCA |
Product / Topic MDA |
Type Video |
Title MDA V8.7.0 – What’s New Presentation Video |
In this video Matthias Gekeler, Product Manager of ETAS MDA, will guide you through the new features introduced in MDA V8.7.0.
Presented topics are:
- 0:24 Export of configuration contents into XDA format for import in former MDA versions
- 3:05 New instrument: Battery Voltage Graph
- 4:39 Variable selection: Filter categories for Raster and ECU, and adding signals to instruments
- 6:41 Clearer and more flexible "Signal Replace" dialog
- 9:37 Enhancements for Calculations: Easy definition of "rolling" calculations
- 10:46 Automatic creation of a backup configuration
- 13:35 Support of the round-trip between MDA and INCA via LAB file format "V1.3 INCA dialect"
- 16:18 Migration to new MDA minor version: Reuse of user-specific INI and FMU files
- 18:21 Option to include source information into ASCII based measurement files
You can find more information at https://www.etas.com/mda.
Playlist: MDA V8

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