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Product Family / Category INCA |
Product / Topic INCA-FLOW |
Type Flyer / Brochure / White Paper |
Title Success Story: Efforts to automate a real vehicle CDM testing with INCA-FLOW (Subaru K.K.) |
Automated real vehicle test bench to enable every test engineer to perform efficiently like experienced professional.
The increase of the system’s calibration variables complexity is an immediate trigger for the expansion of the testing team capacity in order to keep the development time deadlines. The newly hired test engineers are usually required to gain their experience right on-the-job. This set off a chain reaction of redo tests and the limited test bench capacity leads to a productivity bottleneck and a development efficiency tie.
This presentation of our client SUBARU shows the effort of SUBARU for automation of the real vehicle test bench with INCA-FLOW. This effort for automation resulted in a time efficiency improvement effect with an overall factor of over 40%.
With the introduction of INCA-FLOW, the know-how of the skilled experienced test engineers has been standardized in an automation algorithm and that allowed anyone to efficiently obtain test data. This became a breakaway from the development style that relies solely on the know-how of experienced employees and enabled the further professional growth of the latter.
PDF · 1.6 MB · 03/02/2022