Using MDA in combination with INCA

MDA can be launched immediately following a test drive with INCA. For analysis MDA then automatically imports the latest recorded MDF measurement and XDA configuration files used in the INCA experiment.
If the analysis is not done immediately following the measurement, the measurement data, which is saved in INCA as MDF and XDA files, will be imported into MDA at a later stage for evaluation.
MDF Windows Explorer shell extension
The shell extension for Windows Explorer, provided together with the INCA installation, expands the Windows Explorer view so that it can be used to manage measurement files in MDF format. If the “Save metadata” option is selected in INCA, metadata from the MDF files will be displayed in additional columns in Windows Explorer. For example, the following metadata can be saved in a measurement file and displayed in Windows Explorer:
- Experimenter – who recorded the file?
- Date – when was the file recorded?
- Measurement file comments – what special features characterize the measurement?
With the help of the shell extension, users can identify specific measurement files quickly and easily.