Functions at a Glance
- Multi-language support for service pack installer
- Improved readability of measurements presented in binary format
- Data compression and standard indexing of MDF files
- CAN FD supported
- XCP V1.2 on CAN FD and Ethernet
- XCP – overruling transport parameters
- S6 record type supported for S19 files
- ES581.4 USB CAN Bus Interface supported
- MATLAB® interface improvements
- Improved Simulink® integration package
Multi-language support for service pack installer

The INCA service pack installer combines the service packs for INCA and its add-ons in one single installation. It shows the add-ons that are already installed and indicates the versions of INCA and the add-ons that need to be updated. The single-click installation of INCA plus add-ons ensures consistency. In addition to English, the service pack installer now supports German, French, Japanese, and Korean, making it easier to use for more people.
Improved readability of measurements presented in binary format

For better readability of measurements presented in binary format, the scalar table editor adds a blank between every nibble.
Data compression and standard indexing of MDF files
Long measurements may result in huge measurement files. To reduce their size, MDF V4.1 files can now be stored in a compressed mode in accordance with the ASAM MDF standard. Depending on the kind of measurement, this leads to a reduction in size of up to 60% while affecting neither data quality nor the number of saved samples.
To speed up the reading of MDF files, the format supports an indexing mechanism. In addition to the proprietary ETAS indexing optimized for ETAS MDA, standard compliant indexing is now also supported.
CAN-FD supported
With Service Pack 5, INCA supports XCP on CAN FD, UDS on CAN FD, and bus monitoring for CAN FD. The use of CAN FD requires an ES523 ECU & Bus Interface Module, which will be released by the end of 2014.
XCP V1.2 on CAN FD and Ethernet
The latest version of the XCP protocol is now supported on CAN FD and Ethernet. It permits limit calculations for bus and CPU loads as well as memory consumption.
XCP – overruling transport parameters
XCP communication parameters are defined in the AML of an ASAP2 file. The overrule function makes it possible to define general parameters for different ECU transport layers once and to overrule them by specific parameters if necessary. In this way, it is possible to define multiple communication variants for one transport layer by one ASAP2 file.
S6 record type supported for S19 files
In addition to the S5 record type (2-byte), flash programming now also supports the S6 record typ (3-byte) of S19 files to allow programming in bigger block sizes.
ES581.4 USB CAN Bus Interface supported
The ES581.4 successor to the ES581.3 module is a pocket-sized piece of CAN hardware, which is connected to a USB port of an INCA PC via USB.
MATLAB® interface improvements
The INCA-MIP add-on to INCA provides an interface between INCA and MATLAB®. It enables users to perform measurement and calibration tasks from within MATLAB® scripts. The “IncaClose” command has been extended by an additional parameter to define whether the command should close the connection to INCA and INCA itself or whether the connection only should be closed and INCA should remain open. In this way, subsequent reconnection to INCA can be accomplished much faster.
Improved Simulink® integration package
The INCA-SIP add-on allows INCA to measure and calibrate Simulink® models being executed on the PC as an ECU. INCA-SIP now supports the Simulink® 2014a 32bit and 64bit versions. In addition, it also supports Mathwork’s new “*.slx” model format.