Functions at a Glance
- Windows 8 supported
- New ASAP3 commands supported: EXTENDED GET/SET PARAMETER
- Parameter comparison: new tolerant compare mode
- Improved search for variables in experiment environment
- Multi-client support for ES581.4 USB CAN Bus Interface
- CAN messages sent through any CAN ID during reprogramming of ECU flash memory
- New ProF scripting commands for bitwise comparison of variables
Windows 8
INCA Service Pack 2 supports the Microsoft Windows 8 operating system. For possible restrictions concerning older hardware devices, please refer to the release notes.
By supporting the new ASAP3 commands EXTENDED_GET_PARAMETER and EXTENDED_SET_PARAMETER, INCA can exchange ASCII labels and 32-bit integer values with the automation system. This can be used to transmit metadata such as the ECU software version or status information.
Parameter comparison: new tolerant compare mode

INCA’s Calibration Data Manager allows different data sets to be compared. The comparison can be configured by means of various options. The new “FORMAT (ASAP2-MC) with higher precision” option performs the comparison with the precision defined in the A2L file. When the data sets to be compared refer to different A2L files, the highest defined precision is used.
Improved “Search for Variable” in experiment environment
INCA’s “Search for Variable” function is used to find specific labels in an experiment. If the label is not included in the experiment yet, it is now possible to open the “Variable Selection” dialog prefilled with this label directly from the “Search for Variable” window.
Multi-client support for ES581.4 USB CAN Bus Interface
The two CAN channels for the ES581 interface can be used by two different software applications in parallel, e.g. INCA and BUSMASTER.
CAN messages sent through any CAN ID during reprogramming of ECU flash memory
Before and during the reprogramming of an ECU’s flash memory, it is possible to send specific CAN messages through any CAN ID. This function is typically used to disable CAN communication by the other ECUs on the bus.
New ProF scripting commands for bitwise comparison of variables
Four additional functions allow the bitwise AND, OR, XOR, and NOT comparison of variables.