The two CAN interfaces can be configured individually into High Speed or Low Speed CAN buses. The High Speed bus is connected via the TJA1040 transceiver and the Low Speed bus via the TJA1055 transceiver.
For a rapid prototyping experiment, an ECU bypass can be configured with INTECRIO using the CAN-I/O function or the XCP-on-CAN bypass function. By using the two additional CAN interfaces of the ES921 module, a prototyping function of the ES910 module can be connected to up to four CAN buses in a vehicle network.
For measurement and calibration purposes, the ES921 CAN interfaces can be used with INCA to gather data from the vehicle bus. INCA versions 6.2.1 and higher provide measurement and calibration support for the ES921 module. For example, an ECU connected to a CAN bypass via the ES910 module can be simultaneously calibrated with INCA.

- CAN extension module for ES910
- Two electrically isolated CAN interfaces
- TJA1040 and TJA1055 transceivers to connect to the High Speed and Low Speed CAN buses
- Baud rate of up to 1 MBd for High Speed CAN and up to 125 kBd for Low Speed CAN
- FPGA-based CAN communication controller
- LED on the ES921 front panel indicating CAN communication
- Wake-up through traffic on the High Speed CAN bus
- Supported by INTECRIO, ASCET-RP, and INCA