The ES920 is equipped with a BOSCH E-Ray IP communication controller. It provides one FlexRay Node with two FlexRay Channels. The ES920 conforms to the FlexRay Specification V2.1, and meets the quality criteria of the FlexRay conformance test (ISO 9646). The attendant bus driver is the Philips TJA1080 module. The ES920 module can be adapted easily to future versions of the FlexRay specification by means of a firmware update.
The ES910/ES920 is configured within INTECRIO or INCA. The use of INTECRIO and the ES910/ES920 modules facilitates the in-lab or in-vehicle validation of new ECU functions, with short turnaround times. Once configured the controller models and functions onboard the ES910 module run under its integrated RTA-OSEK operating system. In concert with the powerful ES920 FlexRay Module, this makes it possible to conduct experiments on the FlexRay bus under demanding real-time conditions. A PC for data processing is not required.
Together with INCA, the ES910/ES920 modules provide for ECU calibration by use of the XCP-on-FlexRay protocol and monitoring of the FlexRay bus.

- 1 FlexRay Node with two FlexRay Channels with minimum latency for ES910.2 and ES910.3 Prototyping and Interface Module
- Rapid prototyping of automotive control functions on the FlexRay bus
- ECU Calibration with XCP-on-FlexRay
- Monitoring of the FlexRay bus
- Supported by INTECRIO V2.1 , ASCET-RP V6.2.1, INCA V6.2.1 with INCA-ES900 V6.2.2, and up
- Philips TJA1080 bus driver
- FlexRay Communication Controller with BOSCH E-Ray IP-Module (based on FPGA)
- Compliant with FlexRay Specification V2.1 and FlexRay conformance test (ISO 9646)
- Interrupt Generation at the cycle, segment, and time slot level of the FlexRay clock cycle
- Electrical isolation of channels from equipment ground and supply voltage
- LED indicating the interaction with the FlexRay bus
- Wake-Up via FlexRay
FlexRay bus
The ES920 FlexRay Module generates interrupts at the cycle, segment, and time slot level of the FlexRay clock cycle. This functionality ensures the synchronization of function prototypes with the FlexRay bus.
To optimize the data throughput between FlexRay bus and ES910 simulation controller, the ES920 FlexRay Module features an onboard preprocessor, handling the FlexRay communication independently from the simulation controller. The signal return interval – the time that passes between the point of applying a FlexRay signal to the ES910 module and its output to the bus – measures less than 100 microseconds. With typical time slot widths ranging in the static segment of 50 s, the ES910 module is capable of transmitting a response only a few time slots after receiving a message within the same FlexRay cycle.