ES89x modules record measurement data from ECUs and vehicle buses. They can be used for calibration, diagnostics, and flash programming of ECUs, or as interfaces for prototyping applications. The ES89x modules capture all incoming signals from different sources synchronously.
Main functionality
As well as supporting Ethernet, FlexRay, CAN, CAN FD, and LIN vehicle buses, the modules supports both ETAS‘ high-performance FETK as well as the native XETK XCP on Ethernet ECU interfaces. In fact, two FETKs can be connected simultaneously to one ES89x module. Measurement modules from the ES400 or ES600 product families as well as the ES510, ES511, ES523, ES592, ES593-D, and ES595 ECU and Bus Interface or the ES9xx Prototyping and Bus Interface Modules can connect to an ES89x module via Fast Ethernet.
As ECU and bus interfaces, the modules offer a Gigabit Ethernet port for connecting to the host computer, two Gigabit Ethernet (GE) connections for FETK ECUs or other GE devices, a Fast Ethernet (FE) port for an XETK ECU or another FE device. In addition, the modules provide five CAN or CAN FD ports. The ES891 module offers the option to reconfigure two for using them as a FlexRay port with channels A and B.
- Interface Module of the ES800 system for validation, calibration, and prototyping of electronic systems in the vehicle
- Time synchronous capture of signals from ETK, FETK, and XETK ECU interfaces, vehicle buses, and measurement modules
- Measurements with high data rates in the vehicle and at the test bench
- Open interfaces for integration with existing tool environments
- Time synchronous capture of measurement data from ETAS hardware with an accuracy better than 1 µs
- Time synchronization compliant with IEEE1588 Precision Time Protocol
- Robust metal housing (IP44)
- Two FETK / Gigabit Ethernet and one XETK / Fast Ethernet connection
- One FlexRay interface with two channels (only ES891)
- Up to five CAN / CAN FD interfaces
- One LIN interface
- Wake-up on CAN, CAN FD, and FlexRay
- Simple plug-in mechanism for connecting additional modules of the ES800 family