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ASCET, ASCMO, COSYM, Corporate, EHANDBOOK, EHOOKS, INCA, INTECRIO, ISOLAR, LABCAR Software / System, Middleware Solution, Multiple Families, RTA, RTPRO-PC, SCODEASCMO-DYNAMIC, …SoftwareLiMa (ETAS License Manager) LiMa (ETAS License Manager)

This LiMa upgrade contains the support for machine based FlexNet-Embedded (FNE) licenses. In case of new ordered machine based license(s) for formerly released ETAS-SW, this upgrade supports additionally the activation of new FlexNet-Embedded (FNE) license type. All existing FlexNet-Publisher (FNP) license types are still supported.

If you need more detailed information about this ETAS License Manager …

ASCET, COSYM, Corporate, EHANDBOOK, EHOOKS, INCA, INTECRIO, ISOLAR, LABCAR Software / System, Middleware Solution, RTA, RTPRO-PC, SCODEASCMO-DYNAMIC, …SoftwareETAS License Server V11.19.6 ETAS License Server V11.19.6

This server upgrade contains the support for the Flexera FlexNet API V11.19.6. The following information is of relevance to customers using concurrent or user based license. Machine based licenses are not affected. License server from other tool vendors are not affected by this upgrade. This new ETAS license server provides support of Windows® x86_64 and x86_32, as well as Linux x86_64 and x86_32. Please check …


ASCMO V5.14 is the version released November 2024.

ETAS ASCMO is the ideal solution for data-based modeling and model-based calibration. It enables users to accurately model, analyze, and optimize the behavior of complex systems based on only a few measurements and using advanced algorithms. Both, steady-state and transient system behaviors can be captured. Furthermore, it allows optimizing parameters of physics …

ASCMOASCMO-DYNAMICManual / Technical DocumentationASCMO-DYNAMIC User Guide 10/01/2024
Middleware SolutionASCMO-DYNAMIC, …Known Issue ReportKnown Issue Report for ETAS Safety Advice Known Issue Report for ETAS Safety Advice

Even after careful development and extensive release testing, we occasionally find defects in our products after they have been released into the marketplace. We correct minor problems in the course of our regular maintenance and development activities.

For more significant problems, we publish a Known Issue Report (KIR) to inform you about the technical effects of a known problem as well …
