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Product Family / Category ES800, INCA |
Product / Topic ES820, INCA V7.2, ODX-LINK |
Type FAQ / Use Case |
Title [Use Case] DriveRecorder for Diagnostic Data: INCA-ODX Add-on for ES820 |
DriveRecorder for Diagnostic Data: INCA-ODX Add-on for ES820
Do you know the challenge?
You are a calibration engineer and you want your DriveRecorder to be able to record some signals from the OBD interface for diagnostic purposes.
Our solution
ES820 & INCA-ODX Add-on
The built-in INCA-ODX add-on for DriveRecorder is able to record and validate the signals coming from the OBD interface together with the ones coming from ECUs, sensors, CAN/LIN/FLX busses. Moreover, it is possible to read and clear fault memory, to trigger the recording by diagnostic events, and to use the existing ETAS measurement and calibration hardware modules.
PDF · 0.7 MB · 06/18/2020