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Product Family / Category ES800 |
Product / Topic ES830 |
Type Technical Article |
Title High-level checkout: ETAS ES830 expands toolchain for Rapid Control Prototyping |
Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) makes life easier for function developers. It allows them to develop even the most complex systems quickly and securely by providing a simple means of testing and comparing new functions. To implement RCP, ETAS has developed a robust, high-performance real-time target that enables simultaneous execution of computationally intensive bypass applications on up to four ECUs. Seamlessly integrated in the ETAS toolchain, it offers developers a wealth of new opportunities.
Irene Pulido-Ames, ES830 Product Manager, ETAS GmbH
Axel Zimmer, Solution Manager for Function Prototyping, ETAS GmbH
Elektronik automotive 2/3.2019