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Product Family / Category ES800 |
Product / Topic ES820 |
Type FAQ / Use Case |
Title [Use Case] Using ES820 with the integrated GPS feature |
DriveRecorder GPS data acquisition: Using ES820 with the integrated GPS feature
Do you know this challenge?
You are a calibration engineer and you are interested in receiving some information regarding your trip as the altitude, longitude, latitude etc. You would also like to have them synchronized with ECU and environmental data, and recorded in the same file.
Our Solution – GPS signals acquisition via USB GPS device
Within INCA you are able to connect a GPS device: like the other devices it can be found in the Hardware Configuration and its signals (e.g. Longitude, Latitude, Date, Time, Altitude…) can be added in the INCA Experiment Environment. Then, the whole can be exported and loaded onto the ES820.
Regarding the post-processing, the data may be used in MDA in “Map View”, so that also the map of the trip is shown and synchronized with all other information.
PDF · 0.5 MB · 01/15/2019