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Product Family / Category ES500 |
Product / Topic ES583 |
Type Press Release |
Title Small and easy to use – the new, compact ES583 FlexRay USB interface |
Small and easy to use – the new, compact ES583 FlexRay USB interface
There is a growing demand for small, portable vehicle bus/PC interfaces that can be operated without an external power supply . For several years, ETAS has been answering this need with its ES581 CAN Bus Interface USB Module. Now the successful ES58x hardware series is being expanded to include the new ES583 FlexRay USB Module. Once again, the priority was to design a small-scale module that is easy to use: this piece of hardware is so lightweight and compact that it can be easily transported in a laptop bag.
image: ES583
international · JPG · 4.6 MB · 02/10/2014English
PDF · 163.8 KB · 02/10/2014German
PDF · 163.8 KB · 02/10/2014