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Product Family / Category Middleware Solution, RTA |
Product / Topic RTA-HVR |
Type Technical Article |
Title Control unit software |
Control unit software
Partitioning enables updates in the field and makes electronics safer
Where control unit software is concerned, the automotive industry increasingly relies on agile software development. With agile software development, software-controlled vehicle functions are kept current via continual updates and upgrades -- also in the field. For these updates to be installed without safety risks, the individual functions must be kept absolutely separate. At same time, the trend is towards increasing connectivity of ever more functions on central control units. Partitioning is a way of solving this contradiction. Previously, this was not technically possible with the microcontrollers in automotive control units. The Lightweight Hypervisor from ETAS is the answer.
Authors: Dr. Alexander Leonhardi, Dr. Gary Morgan, Dr. James Dickie, ETAS GmbH
Automoblil Elektronik 11-12/2017