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Product Family / Category INCA |
Product / Topic INCA V7.2 |
Type Video |
Title INCA V7.2: How to enable extended logging |
INCA V7.2: How to enable extended logging
This video shows how to enable extended logging in INCA V7.2. Extended log files often include comprehensive information on cause of error which allows a detailed analysis of application behavior.
Please always delete old log files before creating extended logs for further analysis at ETAS. Default path of ETAS log files is "C:\ETAS\LogFiles".
Disable logging filter by using LogViwer2.0. Default path of ETAS LogViewer2.0 is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ETAS\LogViewer2.0\Cfw.LogViewerGUI.exe"
Go on with reproducing the error behavior and provide us the log files as a zip archiv.
If you have any further questions on this topic please contact ETAS Technical MCD Support.

More videos are available on our ETAS YouTube Channel.
MP4 · 44.0 MB · 02/27/2018