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Product Family / Category ASCET |
Product / Topic ASCET V6.2, ASCET V6.3, ASCET V6.4 |
Type FAQ / Use Case |
Title In ASCET: INFO(IMake1): Hint: select "Project Header and Source" in project option "Header/C Code Structure" for reduced compiling time |
In ASCET: INFO(IMake1): Hint: select "Project Header and Source" in project option "Header/C Code Structure" for reduced compiling time
When generating code from an ASCET model there can be following info message: INFO(IMake1): Hint: select "Project Header and Source" in project option "Header/C Code Structure" for reduced compiling time.
In this article, Steffen Roser (support engineer at ETAS) translates this message to a short list of instructions.
PDF · 491.5 KB · 12/01/2017