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Product Family / Category ES800, ETK / XETK / FETK |
Product / Topic ES820, ES891, ES892, FETK-S1, FETK-S2, FETK-T1, FETK-T3, FETK-T4 |
Type Technical Article |
Title High data transfer rate allows universal use |
High data transfer rate allows universal use
With the market launch of the new high-speed FETK ECU interface, the ES89x ECU and bus interface modules, and the ES820 drive recorder module, ETAS is introducing a new solution for validating and calibrating electronic systems. Thanks to a significantly higher payload data transfer rate, the new tools meet the requirements of the most demanding testing in vehicles and on test benches.
Authors: Dr. Ulrich Lauff, Senior Expert Marketing Communication, Christoph Müller, Senior Product Manager FETK and Florian Schmid, Solution Manager Interactive Measurement and Calibration at ETAS GmbH
OEM & Lieferant 2/2016