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Product Family / Category ASCMO, INCA |
Product / Topic INCA-FLOW |
Type Technical Article |
Title Optimisation of Gasoline Engines (ATZelektronik) |
In order to meet the strict new RDE testing conditions, the behavior of combustion engines must be optimized across the entire speed-load range (“global”). This goal can be achieved with the help of Gaussian processes. These machine learning methods allow the engine behavior at the test bed to be simulated with maximum probability. With the help of the new method, the measurement effort at the engine test stand could be reduced by 75 percent in a specific calibration project.
Y. Cho, T. Huber, U. Lauff, and R. Reddy, “Optimisation of Gasoline Engines - Automation and Machine Learning Techniques in Calibration,“ ATZelektronik worldwide, No. 3, 2017.